Deprecation warning

This website is now archived. Please check out the new website for Centre for Intelligent Systems which includes both A-Lab Control Systems Research lab and Re:creation XR lab.

However, the Dynamic System Model Database can still be used and may be updated in the future.

Course pool

ABB Stipendiumi- ja praktikaprogramm

ABB automaatikaprojektide osakond kuulutab välja konkursi SARDTARKVARA ARENDAJA praktikakohtade täitmiseks. Praktika sisu on sagedusmuundurite tarkvara arendamine ja testimine, tööprotsessi kirjeldamine ning unit-testide planeerimine, programmeerimine. Programmi maht on ~450 tundi, mis sisaldavad teoreetilist ja praktilist õppetööd.

Dynamic System Model Database Now Available

It is our pleasure to announce the immediate availability of the Dynamic System Model Database (DSDB)!

The main idea of the database is to allow researchers and educators to quickly find examples of dynamic systems to use in their work. It currently holds 102 entries. Each entry is accompanied with details related to the publication from which the example was taken. This facilitates citing original research papers.

Happy Summer Holidays!

We at Control Systems Research Laboratory would like to wish you great summer holidays! We would also like to congratulate all our graduates. We hope to see you soon! Finally, a very warm thanks goes to those, who have taken additional effort in preparation of their final projects.
