TalTechi Matlabi leht
1. Fadali, M.Sami ja Visioli Antonio. Digital Control Engineering – Analysis and Design (2nd Edition), Elsevier Inc., 2013 [www.knovel.com ].
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3. B. Gordon, E. Petlenkov. Süsteemiteooria ülesannete kogu, õppevahend, TTÜ, 2007 [õpikute osakonnas 100 eks.].
4. B. Wittenmark, K.-J.Aström. Computer Controlled Systems: Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
5. K.Dutton, S.Thompson, B.Barraclough. The art of control engineering, Addison Wesley 1997.;
6. Ogata, K. Modern Control Engineering. 4th. Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) : Prentice Hall, 2002, 961pages,[ 5th edition, 2009].
7. Nise, N. S. Control systems engineering. VI. int. : Wiley, 2011, 926 pages, [ 7th edition, 2015].
8. Agachi P. S. Cristea M.V. Basic Process Engineering Control. De Gruyter 2014. (knovel.com e-raamat)
9. W.C.Dunn. Fundamentals on industrial instrumentation and process control. McGraw-Hill 2005. (TTÜR 681.58/D-90)