Deprecation warning

This website is now archived. Please check out the new website for Centre for Intelligent Systems which includes both A-Lab Control Systems Research lab and Re:creation XR lab.

On this site, please find older content as well, such as list of older completed projects and publications.

New Post-Doc Position in Control Systems Research Laboratory

This position offer has expired. Thank you for your interest!

We invite applications for one post-doctoral position in advanced control methods for industrial applications. The main objectives of this research is process data based analysis of Industrial Control Systems (e.g. district heating plants) and development of advanced control algorithms including MPC and Switched Control to increase the performance.

Post-Doc position in Control Systems Research Laboratory

This position offer has expired. Please see the new offer.

We invite applications for one post-doctoral position in application of intelligent control methods. The main objective of this research is to develop an industrial software framework for control engineers. It will serve as an assisting environment that is supposed to significantly simplify implementation of advanced control techniques in the industry.

Dr. Juri Belikov Receives Boris Tamm Scholarship

It is our great pleasure to announce that one of the Alpha Control Laboratory staff members—Dr. Juri Belikov—received the Boris Tamm Scholarship for 2014. Congratulations!

The Scholarship was established in 2002. It is given each year to outstanding young researchers in the ICT field. To qualify for the Scholarship, the nominee must be at most 35 years of age, own a Ph.D. degree, and work at Tallinn University of Technology.

Laboratory Website Redesigned

The Alpha Control Laboratory website has been redesigned. There is also a new section: Scientific Talks. There you may find a selection of conference and seminar presentations delivered by laboratory staff members.
